Contact us

You can call or write to us wherever you are in the world. We are by your side 24 hours of the day.

Customer center

Our Customer center have long opening hours, and can help you with any questions you may have about insurances. If you need to file a claim, we're available 24 hours a day.

Help is also available online

You're welcome to solve or change many of your needs online yourself. Online services are available around the clock.

Note that most of your services and information are available in Norwegian only. We welcome you to contact our customer center for English assistance.

Opening hours:
Monday-Friday: 8am - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 10am - 17pm

Our phone number is: + 47 21 49 24 00

If you need immediate help in connection with a claim, you can call around the clock.

Write to us

Choose the option that is relevant for you, and we'll make sure the form gets sent to the right people.

If you want to provide more information about a case you have already reported, you can send us a message. We will read it as we begin to process your case. You must state the claim number in the form, so be clear. The claim number can be found in My pages under My damages.

You do not need to contact us if you are expecting feedback on an already reported damage. We will contact you when we once we have started work on your case.

Send additional damage information (NO pages only) 

File a claim (Norwegian pages)

Things you can do yourself in My Pages:

Note that the following links are to Norwegian page. They do however contain a video guide to how you can perform these changes yourself in My pages. 

Contact an advisor

Write to us

Explore customer service

We aim to provide you with the best customer service and information you need to feel secure, and are constantly trying to improve our services. We will continue to provide information in English, but for now, please explore our customer service section in Norwegian. 

Explore customer service